Awards and Achievements

Gear Up Logo

GEAR UP is a highly competitive grant program that helps empower local partnerships comprised of K-12 schools, institutions of higher education, state agencies, and community organizations to achieve three strategic goals: (1) increasing the postsecondary expectations and readiness of students; (2) improving high school graduation and postsecondary enrollment rates; and (3) raising the knowledge of postsecondary options, preparation, and financing among students and families.


The Teacher and School Leader Grant (TSL)

Federal Grant Purpose: The Teacher and School Leader Grant (TSL) focuses on developing, implementing, improving, or expanding performance-based compensation systems (PBCS) or human capital management systems (HCMS) at high-need schools that raise student growth and academic achievement and close the achievement gap between high-and low-performing students and study the effectiveness, fairness, quality, consistency, and reliability of PBCS or HCMS.




Education, Innovation, Research Grant (EIR)

To create, develop, implement, replicate, or take to scale entrepreneurial, evidence-based, field-initiated innovations to improve student achievement and attainment for high- need students and evaluate such innovations.

School Climate Transformation Grant (SCTG)

To develop, enhance, or expand systems of support for, and technical assistance to, schools implementing a multi-tiered system of support, for improving school climate.


Project Prevent

To increase capacity to help schools in communities with pervasive violence to better address the needs of affected students and to break the cycle of violence in those communities.


School Based Mental Health: Resolve Grant

To increase mental health support for children and youth in our schools.


Previous Awards

IMPACT - Innovative Methods for Personalizing Academics, Complemented by Technology

BNQP - Baldrige National Quality Program

Investing in Innovation (i3) Grant - Collaborative Organizational Model to Promote Aligned Support Structures