Is Online Learning Right for You?

Virtual I-SS Logo

Considering Online? Check-out What Students Are Saying! 

  • would take all online classes next year if I could 
  • I wish I would have taken more online classes because I really enjoyed it this semester
  • All of my online teachers do a great job of making the courses fun and making a great effort to help us learn
  • I look forward to learning everyday in my online course
  • It's better than a physical class because you can move at your own pace
                                                                                                                                  -Student Survey, 2018-2019

Watch a segment on VISS, hear from the Director, a current VISS teacher and a former VISS student.  VISS Video

Guidelines for Enrollment

Online learning is not the best option for every student. Careful consideration by parents, current teachers,  counselors, DLA’s, and administrators should occur to determine if online coursework is truly in the best interest of the student before enrolling them in an online course.  Middle and high school students should complete the Virtual I-SS Student Readiness Assessment and responses should be considered before placing a student in an online course.   The assessment can be found here :  Virtual Iredell-Statesville Schools Online Learning Readiness Assessment    Students should have a reasonable opportunity for success in an online environment before placement in a course with Virtual Iredell-Statesville Schools.

There should also be a demonstrated need for flexibility in schedules before placement in a Virtual Iredell-Statesville Schools. The need for flexibility could include, but is not limited to, any of the following:

  • students are taking college courses that make it difficult to participate in the face-to-face classes that they need to graduate;
  • students are behind on credits and are taking online courses in order to catch up;
  • students are planning to graduate early;
  • students would like to participate in other educational opportunities (band, chorus, etc.) that conflict with course needs;
  • students have family needs that require that they have flexibility in scheduling in order to complete courses needed for graduation;
  • students have medical issues that prevent them from attending classes on high school campuses;
  • students have been long-term suspended and enrollment in online courses will allow us to continue to serve them;
  • students have not been successful with previous interventions intended to help them be successful in face-to-face classes.

Iredell-Statesville Schools believes face to face scheduling should always be considered first, before scheduling an online course.  Students in the traditional school setting should be enrolled in a face to face class if it is offered at the same time in their schedule as an online class would be taken. (Exceptions must be approved by the Director of Virtual I-SS.) 

At the high school level, after the 10 day drop-add period of each semester, counselors should always contact Kelly Hinson, Director of Virtual I-SS, before placing students in a Virtual Iredell-Statesville Schools online course. Decisions will then be made on a case-by-case basis based on student demonstrated need.

How to Know if Online is Right for You?
Middle and High Schoolers Can Take this Quick Assessment and Find Out! 
This Assessment takes about 15 minutes. When you submit your answers you will get an email reporting what you input for each question. Within 10 minutes of submitting your responses you will get a second email with your results.  Please note this assessment is intended to be completed by the student without adult input or supervision.  The student should provide responses that are as honest as possible in order for the results to be considered valid and accurate. 


Helpful Handbook

Want to Know More About What is Expected of You Choose to Take Virtual I-SS Courses? 

Review the Handbook! 



Once You Are Ready to Sign Up You Must Complete the Student and Parent Agreement and the Acceptable Use Policy Agreement. Both of these forms are located at the end of the Handbook. 
