Want to Teach With Us?
Virtual Iredell-Statesville Schools hires highly qualified, licensed North Carolina teachers to deliver the content of our online courses. At this time the opportunity to teach Virtual Iredell-Statesville Schools courses is only available the current Iredell-Statesville Schools educators or retired Iredell-Statesville Schools educators.
As a teacher for Virtual Iredell-Statesville Schools we provide training and support to our teachers in online teaching and use of technology. However, teachers with a strong background in technology, a basic knowledge of best practices in online learning and experience with Canvas is preferred.
Teaching for Virtual Iredell-Statesville Schools at the high school level and for most middle school positions is considered additional employment for Iredell-Statesville Schools. As such, you will continue to be responsible for completing all the duties and fulfilling all the responsibilities incumbent upon a classroom teacher. We do provide some full time opportunities in elementary and middle school math as well as English. When full time positions are available these will be posted on the I-SS Human Resources Employment Vacancy Announcements.
If you are interested in this opportunity, either full time or for additional or part time employment, please complete the Online Teacher Interest Form and we will reach out to you when the need presents itself. We look forward to hearing from you!