Meet Our Differentiation Specialists

 I-SS Differentiation Specialists are trained in the identification and services of gifted learners.   Each Specialist is available to assist you and your student in meeting their unique learning needs and helping answer your questions about gifted learning opportunities in Iredell-Statesville. Please feel free to contact them.

Middle and High School Questions, Please Contact: 

Anne Jordan

Debbie Dearman

Elementary School Questions, Please Contact:

Carol Millsaps

Elementary Schools: Celeste Henkel, Central, NB Mills, Scotts, Sharon, Troutman, Union Grove, Northview Academy K-5

Erin Doss
Elementary Schools: Cloverleaf, Coddle Creek, Cool Spring, Harmony, East, Shepherd, Third Creek
Kathleen Boice

Elementary Schools:  Lake Norman, Lakeshore , Woodland Heights, ISS Virtual Academy K-5