
Canvas is Iredell-Statesville Schools' learning management system (LMS) that brings K-12 classroom tools together.

The following resources will help you leverage Canvas for student learning:

Canvas Support

  1. Canvas Learning Opportunities
  2. Canvas Guides

Beginning, Middle, and End Processes

  1. Beginning- and End-of-Course Checklist
  2. Course Set-up Roadmap
  3. Canvas and PowerTeacher Pro (Steps to Syncing Assignments and Gradebook)
  4. Course Design Look-Fors
  5. Top Ten Canvas Tips to Leverage Student Learning
  6. Designing Course Content with Canvas Tools
  7. Personalize Learning with Mastery Paths
  8. Canvas Best in Class (Samples & Examples) (Explore a variety of K-12 Canvas use cases)

Learn Canvas

     1. NCEES Self-Paced Canvas PD Courses

NC Digital Teaching and Learning is excited to share two new self-paced professional development courses on the LMS, Canvas.

  • Growing with Canvas - The Growing with Canvas course is a “Level 1” introduction to all things Canvas.

  • Diving Deeper with Canvas - Educators more familiar with the LMS can utilize the Diving Deeper with Canvas course for specific training on personalized learning, feedback, and course design.

    If you are interested in these PD opportunities, enrollment information can be found in the NCEES Self-Paced PD Guide.

    2. Master Canvas Teacher Learning Pathway: You can take all four courses to become a Master Canvas Teacher or your can take each course a la carte style. The learning pathway includes four courses:
    • Canvas Palooza Micro-Credentials Stack
    • Canvas Choice Board
    • Designing Courses with a Purpose
    • Ready! Set!! Go!!! Mastering Skills to Leverage Canvas

      3. Canvas Video Hub

Canvas Parent Observer
Encourage the parents/caregivers of all your students to be Parent Observers. 

This FAQ will get them started and answer all questions they may have about being a parent observer.

Guide Parents to the Parent Portal located under Students/Parents on the home page. This page will provide parents with a wealth of resources to connect as a Parent Observer.