How to Submit A Workorder
ALL Technology Requests must come through our work order system so they can be tracked. Please do not send an email requesting assistance with your computer or SmartBoards as we do have a working process in place.
Steps to submit a work order:
1. Navigate to
2. Click on the Login button in the top right of the portal page.
3. Login into the system using your ISS email address
4. Click on the Submit a Ticket Button
5. Complete the form being sure to answer ALL the questions or complete the information requested.
Hardware Repair - fix something physically wrong with your computer or SmartBoard
Hardware Setup - install or connect something on or attached to your computer or SmartBoard
Software Install - install software program on your computer
Software Repair/Update - repair or how to work with software programs already installed on your computer
1. Subject:**MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION - Name, Student ID (if you are a student), your computer number or serial number (on bottom of device) and Brief description of problem.
2. Detail Box: Include as much detail as possible to help the technician understand what is happening (or not happening) with your device or software. The more specific the better as this will make it easier to determine the problem and resolve it. You can attach any files or screenshots of error messages you think would be necessary.
3. Then click on Create Ticket
4. Once you submit, you will be given a work order number and receive a verification email.
5. When the next window opens, you will then be given an opportunity to print the workorder if necessary. Attaching a printed work order to the device needing attention will help the technician find and identify the correct device in a busy classroom or office.
Following this process will ensure your requests are seen by the Technician and can be completed in a timely manner. This will also allow you to receive (email) updates and notifications throughout the process. If you receive a question or request for more information via email, you can simply reply to the email with the additional information.