Discipline Procedures



Iredell-Statesville Schools follows the regulations/guidelines set forth by North Carolina Policies (NC 1504-2). 


Case-by-case determination: School personnel may consider any unique circumstances on a case- by-case basis when determining whether a change in placement, consistent with the other requirements of this section, is appropriate for a child with a disability who violates a code of student conduct. Circumstances considered should include area of disability, functioning level of the child, intent of the behavior, and other relevant factors.


NC 1504-2 includes detailed information regarding discipline, services, manifestation determination, special circumstances, definitions, appeal process, and change of placement. 


The Public Schools of North Carolina, Exceptional Children Division provides local units with detailed policies for the delivery of special education services. These rules and regulations are detailed in Policies Governing Services for Children with Disabilities- Amended March 2018 (https://ec.ncpublicschools.gov/conferences-profdev/march-institute/2018-march-institute-handouts/policy-updates-legal-trends/amendedmarch2018policy.pdf) from the Department of Public Instruction.



Iredell-Statesville Schools Board Policy 4307 (Disciplinary Action for Exceptional Children/Disabled Students):

