Energy Management Policy
In light of the increasing cost and decreasing supply of conventional energy sources, the Iredell-Statesville Board of Education recognizes the need for proper energy conservation. It is the board's and superintendent's responsibility to ensure that every effort is made to conserve energy and natural resources while exercising sound financial management. The implementation of this policy is the joint responsibility of the board members, administrators, teachers, support personnel and students, and the success of this policy is dependent upon cooperation at all levels.
To conserve energy and reduce costs, the superintendent will implement an energy conservation plan consistent with this policy and will review the plan annually. The plan will include whenever possible, using sustainable principles in the site development and design of additions and in new schools, and seek ways to preserve the environment as schools are planned so that each site becomes a contributing, environmentally friendly component of the community. The plan shall include short- and long-range strategies in the areas of facilities management dealing with energy awareness and conservation. The goal of the energy conservation plan will be to implement the following practices as resources allow:
1. Our expectation is that every student and employee will contribute to energy efficiency in our district. Every person will be expected to be an "energy saver" as well as an "energy consumer."
2. Development of acceptable energy conservation goals, objectives and guidelines, including development of energy goals for each existing and new school;
3. Continued development and implementation of conservation programs;
4. Performance of energy studies on all new construction;
5. Monitoring the general operation and maintenance of all heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment;
6. Procurement and consumption management of fuels and electricity;
7. Operating energy-consuming equipment only when needed;
8. Operating equipment, facilities and vehicles at an efficient level;
9. Maintaining equipment, facilities and vehicles in a condition that promotes efficient operation;
10. Replacing or retrofitting energy-consuming systems consistent with a life cycle cost analysis or other appropriate basis;
11. Setting thermostats at efficient temperature settings based upon the season, properties of the facility, age of students, activities in the facility and other relevant factors;
12. Monitoring energy use on a yearly schedule by evaluating energy use records compared to established goals.
Principals shall ensure that the energy conservation plan is implemented at their schools. The principal shall ensure that energy audits are conducted and that conservation program outlines are updated.
All employees shall comply with the energy conservation plan and shall conserve energy in the areas of electricity use, cooling and heating of facilities, the use of hot water and other material resources, and the operation of all school equipment and vehicles. All unnecessary lighting in occupied or unoccupied areas must be turned off. The head custodian at each school will be responsible for a complete shutdown of the facility when closed each evening.
The school district will maintain accurate records of energy consumption and cost of energy. The superintendent or his/her designee will provide information to the local media on the goals and progress of the energy conservation program.