Physical Education
Mission Statement:
The mission of Iredell-Statesville Schools Physical Education Program is to equip students with the skills, knowledge, attitudes and fitness capabilities they need to successfully engage in day-to-day physical fitness activities. Our goal is to provide successful experiences that lead to a lifetime enjoyment of physical activities.
Iredell-Statesville Schools Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child
- Health & PE Resources for Teachers
- Health & PE Resources for Parents
- Reproductive Health and Safety Curriculum Information
Health & PE Resources for Teachers
Fitness Gram
NCDPI Healthful Living
Reproductive Health & Safety
Reproductive Health and Safety Education Lesson Plans from the NC School Health Training Center
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Grade 7
7.01 - Healthy Relationships
Lesson Plan and Objectives
7.02 - STDs
Lesson Plan and Objectives
HIV and HPV Powerpoint
STD Fact Sheets:
7.03 - Condoms
Lesson Plan and Objectives
Condoms Powerpoint
7.04 - Sexual Abuse and Assault Factors
Lesson Plan and Objectives
Sexual Abuse and Assault Powerpoint
7.05 - Rejecting and Reporting Sexual Assault
Lesson Plan and Objectives
Rejecting and Reporting Sexual Assault Powerpoint
Lesson 3: Grade 8
8.01 - Healthy Relationships
Lesson Plan and Objectives
Healthy Relationships Powerpoint
8.02 - Unintended Pregnancy
Lesson Plan and Objectives
Unintended Pregnancy Powerpoint
8.03 - Contraception
Lesson Plan and Objectives
Contraception Powerpoint
FDA Guide
8.04 - Resources
Lesson Plan and Objectives
8.05 - Digital Safety
Lesson Plan and Objectives
Digital Safety Powerpoint
Lesson 4: Grade 9
9.01 - Healthy Dating Relationships
Lesson Plans and Objectives (pdf)
Lesson Plans and Objectives (word)
9.02 - Power and Control
Lesson Plans and Objectives (pdf)
Lesson Plans and Objectives (word)
9.03 - Misconceptions of Sexual Assault and Abuse
Lesson Plans and Objectives (pdf)
9.04 - Safe Plan
Lesson Plans and Objectives (pdf)
Sexual Assault: Risk, Reduction, and Reporting Powerpoint
9.05 - STD Prevention
Condoms and STDS Lesson Plans and Objectives
Reducing Risks for STDs Powerpoint
STD Prevention Lesson Plans and Objectives
STD Testing Powerpoint
9.06 - Pregnancy Prevention
Lesson Plans and Objectives
Pregnancy Prevention Powerpoint
Too Young Fact Sheet
Lesson 5: Abstinence
Curriculum, Timelines and Assurance Checklists
Elementary School
P.E. Teaching Cues
Personal Best Day Benchmark 3-5
Personal Best Benchmark with Feedback
Sequence - Physical Education
Vocabulary - Health
Vocabulary - Physical Education K-2
1st Semester Vocabulary Study Guide 3rd-5th
2nd Semester Vocabulary Study Guide 3rd-5th
1st Semester Vocabulary Test 3rd-5th
2nd Semester Vocabulary Test 3rd-5th
Vocabulary Answer Key
Middle School
- I Can and I Will posters
- Health Education Curriculum Guides and Vocabulary
- Physical Education Curriculum Guides and Vocabulary
I Can and I Will posters
Health Education Curriculum Guides and Vocabulary
Sixth Grade Curriculum Guide: ATOD
Sixth Grade Curriculum Guide: GREAT
Sixth Grade Curriculum Guide: NPA
Sixth Grade Curriculum Guide: Way
Seventh Grade Curriculum Guide: ATOD
Seventh Grade Curriculum Guide: MEH
Seventh Grade Curriculum Guide: NPA
Seventh Grade Curriculum Guide: Path
Seventh Grade Curriculum Guide: PCH
Eighth Grade Curriculum Guide: ATOD
Eighth Grade Curriculum Guide: Life
Eighth Grade Curriculum Guide: MEH
Eighth Grade Curriculum Guide: NPA
Physical Education Curriculum Guides and Vocabulary
Sixth Grade
Curriculum Guide: Catching and Collecting
Curriculum Guide: Cooperative Skills
Curriculum Guide: Dribbling
Curriculum Guide: IT
Curriculum Guide: LC
Curriculum Guide: PF
Curriculum Guide: Rhythmic Activities
Curriculum Guide: Shooting
Curriculum Guide: Striking AC
Curriculum Guide: Striking Imp
Curriculum Guide: Striking With Arms/Hands
Curriculum Guide: Striking With Feet
Curriculum Guide: Throwing and Passing
Seventh Grade
Curriculum Guide: Catching and Collecting
Curriculum Guide: Cooperative Skills
Curriculum Guide: Dribbling
Curriculum Guide: IT
Curriculum Guide: PF
Curriculum Guide: Rhythmic Activities
Curriculum Guide: Shooting
Curriculum Guide: Striking AC
Curriculum Guide: Striking Imp
Curriculum Guide: Striking With Arms/Hands
Curriculum Guide: Striking With Feet
Curriculum Guide: Throwing and Passing
Eighth Grade
Curriculum Guide: Catching and Collecting
Curriculum Guide: Cooperative Skills
Curriculum Guide: Dribbling
Curriculum Guide: IT
Curriculum Guide: PF
Curriculum Guide: Rhythmic Activities
Curriculum Guide: Shooting
Curriculum Guide: Striking AC
Curriculum Guide: Striking Imp
Curriculum Guide: Striking With Arms/Hands
Curriculum Guide: Striking With Feet
Curriculum Guide: Throwing and Passing
High School
Physical Education
9th Grade Learning Targets
PE Year at a Glance (Pacing Guide)
Health & PE Resources for Parents
Healthy Youth Act 2009/HB 88/Reproductive Health and Safety Curriculum Information | |||
Growing Up Curriculum - 4th Grade Female
Growing Up Curriculum - 4th Grade Male
Growing Up Curriculum - 5th Grade Female
Growing Up Curriculum - 5th Grade Male
6th Grade Reproductive Health - Parent Permission Form (English) - Parent Permission Form (Spanish)
6th grade NCSCOS for Reproductive Health and Safety
Responsibilities of Parenting Project
7th and 8th Grade - Media Aware-Sexual Health (MASH) Overview
7th Grade Reproductive Health - Permission Form (English) - Permission Form (Spanish)
7th-8th NCSCOS for Reproductive Health and Safety
8th Grade Reproductive Health - Permission Form (English) - Permission Form (Spanish)
9th Grade Making Responsible Life Choices Overview for 9th Grade - Permission Form (English) - Permission Form (Spanish)
Reproductive Health and Safety Curriculum Information
Curriculum Overview
Choosing the Best for 6th Grade
Permission Form (English)
Permission Form (Spanish)
Media Aware Sexual Health (MASH) for 7th & 8th Grade
Parent Permission Form (English)
Parent Permission Form (Spanish)
Making Responsible Life Choices Overview for 9th Grade
Parent Permission Form (English)
Parent Permission Form (Spanish)
Powerpoints :
6th Grade Fertility and Menstrual Cycle
6th Grade Reproductive Anatomy
7th Grade Reproductive Health
8th Grade Reproductive Health
9th Grade Reproductive Health
North Carolina STD Data
Iredell County STD Data
Board Policy #3540