What does it cost?


Prime Time Monthly Rates

(All Sites)

 Full time PM  $287.00/month
 Part time PM ( 3 days per week)  $188.00/month
Cloverleaf & Troutman Only
 Full time AM (Cloverleaf/Troutman Only)  $120.00/month
 Full time AM & PM  $297.00/month
Part time AM (3 days per week)  $101.00/month
 Part time AM & PM  (3 days per week)  $213.00/month
(as of July 1 , 2024)


Yearly Registration fee is $25.00 per child paid once per year.

Please note that Morning care is not offered at all sites.

Teacher Work Days $30.00 per day in addition to monthly tuition fee

Pro-rated Days $14.50 per day (August, June, and when a child starts mid-month only)

Late Pick-Up Fee $10.00 for every 15 minute increment. Time begins at 6:00 p.m. 

You may register your child for one of two types of enrollment. 

Please give serious consideration to which enrollment you select. Part-time children may not attend more than 3 days per week.  If your job requires a 4th or 5th day of care occasionally, then you should register your child as full time.  If the nature of your employment is revised, you may switch from full-time to part-time or vise-versa.  However, such revisions to enrollment types of your child's care will only be made at the beginning of a month. 

Regardless of which type of enrollment you select, when you enroll, you are reserving the time, space, staff, and provisions for your child whether he/she attends or not.  Credits cannot be given when students are absent. 

1.  Full Time: Any child who attends more than 3 days per week will register as full time. Parents will be charged this fee every month.

2.  Part Time:  Any child who attends 3 days or less will be considered as part time.  Parents must notify classroom teachers and Prime Time staff which days of the week the student will attend.  Please note, parents will be charged this fee every month.

Teacher Workdays

Hours of operation on teacher-workdays are 6:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. We provide a morning and afternoon snack.  The fee for all-day care is $30.00 over and above the monthly fee. 

Because we must order snacks from the cafeteria manager in advance, and because our staff must be scheduled in advance, it is important that you sign up for teacher workdays. We cannot safely take children at the last minute. If you sign up, you are reserving the time, space, staff and provisions for your child whether he/she attends or not and you must pay for the day unless you call us one week prior to the workday. 

To sign up for Teacher Workdays:  Your center's director will post a large announcement two weeks before a teacher workday.  Please register your child by signing his/her name on the sign up sheet as soon as possible.    You will be charged the full $30.00 if your child is signed up and does not attend.

Online Payment Option Now Available

Prime Time is now excited to offer an online payment option for your monthly Prime Time charges.  Once enrolled, you will receive an invitation to join the Procare app. Payments can be submitted through your Procare account.


Iredell-Statesville Schools has enrolled with ChecXchange to handle all returned checks. Over 85 school districts are now using this service offered by ChecXchange. We are looking forward to working with CHECKredi in making the collection of returned checks a more effective and efficient process for our school system. For more information click here.