North Iredell High School 


North Iredell's New Preforming Arts Building 

North Iredell's Preforming Arts Building Construction

Superintendent Brady Johnson recently updated the school board on the construction projects taking place on the campus of North Iredell High School and South Iredell High School.  With the completion of the renovations at Cool Spring Elementary School, the district has now focused its full attention on the high school projects.
Local dignitaries met for the groundbreaking at both campuses on October 11, 2016.  Since then, work has progressed nicely on each project.  The projects each add approximately 34,500 square feet to each school.  I-SS Director of Construction, Rob Jackson, complemented local construction company, G.L. Wilson for the progress being made and puts the completion date for each project at January 2018.
"Both projects are coming along very well despite weather interference," Jackson explained.  "G.L. Wilson is making every available effort to meet our deadlines."
Superintendent Johnson informed the board that both projects are currently on time and under budget.  He also expressed thanks to local citizens who supported the 2014 bond referendum which has made these project possible.
Iredell-Statesville Schools will complete the final stages from the 2014 bond referendum with the construction of two new middle schools on the campuses of Woodland Heights Elementary School and Third Creek Elementary School in 2018-19.