Homebound Services
Iredell-Statesville Schools is committed to challenging all students to reach their academic potential and lead rewarding lives. This mission will be accomplished with the support of parents, staff, and the community. The district believes that every student can learn and deserves quality classroom instruction. Research shows that student attendance is linked to academic performance, and students with better attendance tend to demonstrate a better understanding of the course materials. However, in some cases, homebound instruction may be necessary.
Explanation of Homebound Services
- Homebound Instruction MUST be approved by the District Homebound Coordinator.
- Homebound Instruction is meant for acute or catastrophic health problems that confine a student to home or hospital for a prolonged, but defined period of time.
- Homebound Instruction does not relieve the school or parent of the responsibility for providing education for the child in the least restrictive environment.
- Homebound Instruction does not duplicate the regular classroom experience. Service time is determined by a team.
- Minimum Absence Requirements for Homebound Instruction: (Anything less should be managed by the school site.)
Elementary/Middle School - Four Consecutive Weeks
High School - Two Consecutive Weeks
- Homebound Instruction will be approved for a maximum of 12 weeks at a time.
- Homebound Instruction beyond 12 weeks, or extensions to the original return date, will require a new referral by the medical provider.
If the student has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), please contact the Exceptional Childrens Department for further information.
If you have any questions regarding Homebound Services,
please CONTACT the Student Services Department at 704-832-2506.