Baldrige National Quality Program Award Presentation


Not too many years ago, the Iredell-Statesville School system was seen as a unique entity. But why? The reason is that the school system was implementing quality principles that had long been used by business.  To begin the implementation in I-SS, the school system worked with consultants to develop their our own local education version of the Baldrige National Quality Program criteria. Although the deployment of the model was successful, it was met with skepticism by many people in the county.


Despite this, the district has continued to move forward, utilizing the Baldrige Criteria.  However, each year we work to continue to tailor the model to our specific needs and the needs our students.  We revise it and improve it every year to ensure the criteria are based on common sense approaches that teachers utilize everyday to help increase and improve student learning. The question on everyone’s mind is, ‘has it worked?’.  The answer is, ‘absolutely.’ In fact, according to state reports, I-SS student learning outcomes are at the highest level in the history of the school system.


If you are interested in learning more about the deployment of the Baldrige Criteria in I-SS, or to schedule a visit, please contact the Associate Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction.

To follow our journey in the Baldrige process, click on the links below.

Baldrige Application

Quest for Excellence XXI Materials

Category Presentations