Education Foundation

The 1991 Club is an active group of I-SS alumni and community members interested in advocating for public schools schools in Iredell County, and growing the Iredell-Statesville Public Schools Endowment Fund.  Housed with the Foundation for the Carolinas, our endowment fund was established back in 1991, during the same year that the Statesville City Schools and Iredell County Schools merged.  The endowment was established through a gift from Chester and Maxine Middlesworth with the goal of benefiting public education in schools across the Iredell-Statesville School District.  

Over the years, the Endowment Fund has grown to approximately $100,000 in principal funds.  In short, that means that in any given year, the district receives a spendable between $4,000-$6,000 respectively.  Historically, the district has invited teachers across the district to apply for $500 grants to benefit their classrooms.  Each year, between 8-10 mini grants have been dispersed across the district.

We are now ready to take our Endowment Fund to the next level.  With the creation of the 1991 Club, we hope to build interest in our Endowment, and create a steady income to our principal, with a  goal of $1Million in principal funds by 2021. When we meet our goal, the 1991 Club Trustees will work collaboratively with the I-SS Superintendent and a representative of the Board of Education to fund substantial projects over time across the school district.  Monies from the Foundation must be used to benefit the students of the Iredell-Statesville Schools. To that end, possibilities of projects that will enhance our schools are endless! As the years go by, schools will be encouraged to think outside the box, and apply for funding for anything that they feel will set their school apart from others, and benefit students across Iredell County.