Educators With A Cause (EWAC)

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Talented musicians and vocalists from the faculty and staff of Iredell-Statesville Schools are excited to announce the first annual Educators with a Cause (E.W.A.C.) Concert, scheduled for January 25, 2020 at the Mac Gray Auditorium on the campus of Statesville High School at 6:30 p.m.  The concert will raise funds for the Iredell-Statesville Public Schools Educational Endowment Fund.  The fund, established in 1991 for the benefit of the Iredell-Statesville schools, are distributed annually for innovative instructional programs and enhancements across the school district.  Gifts to the fund assure the growth of the fund as a permanent endowment for the district for many years to come.  Since its’ inception in 1991, the fund has distributed over $85,000 back into ISS classrooms and campuses for innovative programs and projects. 

Dave Edwards, Executive Director for Technology and Media Services, is excited about the event.  “I have the honor of performing alongside  some incredibly talented Iredell-Statesville educators to help raise money for our education foundation. This is an awesome opportunity for our community to get out and enjoy some great music, fun, and see us in a totally different light!” 

Tickets are $10 and can be purchased HERE.  There are 800 seats available, and organizers are expecting a full house, so get your tickets early and come enjoy great local talent, raising money for a good cause!


Educators with a cause sponsored by Randy Marion Automotive Group.  January 25, 2020 Fundraising Concert at Mac Gray Auditori