Enrolling in School 25-26

Iredell-Statesville Schools is excited to continue the PowerSchool online student enrollment system for the 2025-2026 school year.  The system is a secure and streamlined process that will allow families to enroll and electronically sign the annual permission forms.  In short, this online process replaces many of the hard copy student enrollment and permission forms that students bring home on the first day of school.  


To enroll your child in school, please complete the following steps:


Step 1:

Complete the online enrollment process by visiting the appropriate enrollment link located below.  If you do not have internet access, you may visit one of the Iredell County Public Library locations or you may visit the school where your child will attend to use their computers.

Step 2:

The majority of the enrollment process can be completed online.  However, there are still some paper documents that are required to be brought to the school.  Those documents are: 


  • Certified Birth Certificate (the person's name enrolling the child must be on the Birth Certificate)

    • If you are needing help obtaining a birth certificate for the child, please click the following link for the Iredell County Register of Deeds Birth Records page.
    • Iredell-Statesville Schools will accept a variety of alternative forms for proof of date of birth and legal name.  The following documents will be allowed: a passport, state-issued Identification document, US Department of State (I-94 arrival/departure record), refugee resettlement letter, Decree of Adoption, previously verified school records, student driver's license, life insurance policy, a certified copy of medical record where the child was born, a certified copy of the birth certificate issued by a religious institution)
  • Immunization Records

  • Health Assessment (for Kindergarten and new to North Carolina students)

  • Proof of Residence (something showing service into the home; must include the parent's name; examples include a home phone bill, electric bill, cable bill; a driver's license will not be accepted as proof of residence)

  • Picture ID of parent/legal guardian/legal custodian

  • Custody Papers (if applicable)

  • Transcript  (for High School only)


Families Accessing from Home


Families Accessing from School
or Public Library

For questions regarding the online enrollment process, please contact Laura Elliott, Director of Testing and Accountability at lelliott@iss.k12.nc.us.

The 2025-26 Student Reassignment Application window is currently open and will run through May 1, 2025. To learn more about student reassignment, click here.