Park. Connect. Learn.
We need your help.
All over North Carolina, public school students are trying to learn remotely. We have students that are struggling because they do not have reliable internet at home. We want all our students to have an equal opportunity to connect and learn.
The #ParkConnectLearn program establishes free Wi-Fi in your school parking lot. Just simply park at the school, connect to the free Wi-Fi, and let the learning begin.
We value our partnership with Stock Car Steel and SRI. They have committed to matching the first $10,000 raised to make #ParkConnectLearn a program in school parking lots across the county.
Make checks payable to the Iredell-Statesville Schools Education Endowment Fund. Please designate your gift for #ParkConnectLearn
Donations can be mailed to:
Iredell-Statesville Schools
Attn: Park. Connect. Learn.
549 North Race Street
Statesville, NC 28677